I love Spring. My body loves the warm weather and the lightness it brings to my spirit. Aligning with the rebirth energies, I feel more creative and am always inspired to start new projects. Energetically, this is our natural rhythm. It’s helpful to embrace this natural flow when moving through various aspects of life, it makes life much easier without the resistance.
During winter, a time of retreat, hibernation and deep reflection, it’s common to feel unmotivated to start new ventures or throw yourself into unfamiliar experiences. Most of us prefer to stay safe indoors nurturing our souls.
Spring is a time of renewal. Our bodies wake up from hibernation and crave a fresh start. A sense of rebirth. It’s the ideal time to process and let it go of anything stored during winter. It’s an ideal time to allow creative energy to express itself through you, creating a cleansing renewal process with more energy and vitality. You can extend this cleansing process to your environment, your relationships, your emotional life and your body.
Here are my favourite ways to let go of the old (winter) and embrace the new (Spring):
Through winter, it’s common for us to choose more comforting and rich foods to keep us warm and satisfied. Come spring, our bodies do prefer lighter and nutrient dense foods that give us energy to fulfil our creativity. One way to do this is to nourish your body with healthy foods and kick the habit of foods that don’t. Doing a detox is simply about giving your body a break and allowing it to function more effectively. It's a wonderful catalyst for self-love and starting a spiritual practice. I’d highly recommend checking in with your nutritionist. As Kylie Dowling, from Inside Out Nutrition says, "Food is medicine and I believe optimal health starts on the inside." Kylie can educate you and design a program to get you back on track to optimum health and wellbeing and cleanse support for your digestive function.
Spring detox, lose weight, alkalize your body, clear your skin, relieve allergies and remove bloating with colon therapy. The benefits of colon hydrotherapy (colon cleansing) are amazing! By decreasing the amount of waste in the bowels we effectively cleanse the tissues, organs and bloodstream and notice many positive changes, from increased energy and clearer thinking to vibrant health and vitality. Kelly and Indiana at Gravity North have Spring detoxes coming this month, jump online to book your healing reset.
Declutter your Space
Spring cleaning exists to remove old energy in the form of dust, dirt and unused items from our living space. Open the windows, allow fresh air to filter the rooms and breathe in new life, try change furnishings around. Creating sacred spaces in your bedroom, living room and kitchen can improve your energy by decluttering your mind and cleansing your spirit. Spring cleaning is symbolic of the intentions we’d like to set for the coming six months which could be around goal setting, intention to let go of the old, or welcoming the new in all areas of your life. Spring clean your environment to encourage new energy and opportunities to enter.
Whilst spring cleaning, sage and smudge your home, transmuting negative and stagnant energy, particularly in the corners of the room. When smudging a room, walk clock wise around the perimeter smoking from the ground upwards. As you cleanse your room, recite the following “From corner to corner this room is cleansed of any and all energies that are no longer for my highest good. This space is now filled with love, peace, joy, healing, and abundance. My space is protected and may all those who enter this space be blessed, myself included. Thank you. It is done." Use your intuition whilst smudging and noticing if there are any areas that are needing extra attention or a longer period of saging for clearing. Once your smudging session is complete, extinguish the smoking end by placing into dry rice or sand. It will then be ready to use next time.
Energy Healing
A wonderful way to cleanse and transmute negative energy, particularly fear, which can be the very thing creating fatigue and lethargy, is the help of tools that encourage healing and renewal on an energetic level. Energy healing addresses the health of your energy systems, which includes your auric field, chakras and meridians. Imbalances and unresolved trauma that occur within these energy systems can manifest into the physical (and emotional) body and present as chronic health issues, pain in multiple body systems, stress and anxiety, fatigue, feeling drained and exhausted, struggling with low self-esteem etc.
There are many modalities and resources available to assist in the healing of these issues, from an energetic perspective which include Reiki, Access Bars, Chakra Balancing, ThetaHealing, Crystal Grid Healing and more. Energy Healing is like a spring clean for your energetic system as it helps to release old energy that has been stuck in the body’s energy system. If we are holding onto old energy there is little space for clear, healthy energy to come in. Our energy sessions work on very deep emotional levels, removing stagnant energy and blocks that are preventing us from moving forward with our lives. Regular energy healing keeps your energy healthy and flowing, resulting in a calmer and fulfilled life, more in alignment with your goals. Our energy healing sessions are intended to strengthen and heal these energy systems for every client. Book online if your intuition guides you.
To amplify your energy reset, every energy healing booked in September, receives a Premium Palo Santo Holy Wood Wand.
Take your cues from the rhythm of nature and embrace Spring as a period of renewal. So what will it be for you? You and a friend (or your partner) could do a detox, schedule a day on the weekend for an intense declutter and afterwards book a healing session. Sounds like the most nourishing plan to renew your energy. Because…..self-love.
Deanne x
Want to renew your energy with a friend? Or know someone in need of some healing? Please forward the love! Let’s heal this planet one person at a time. Love and gratitude. x