Our Beaches Healing Space Clearing Bundle is the perfect way to help cleanse, purify and protect your self, aura, home, office, or sacred space. Heal, love, cleanse and empower your mind, body and spirit.
Our Space Clearing Bundle is a beautiful gift for purification and self-love ritual uses and includes:
Sacred Clearing Mist
Manifested with divine intention, our Sacred Clearing Mist is a “Smokeless Smudge Stick”, to clear negative energy and raise your vibration or space to a higher frequency. We are in love with this mist! Steeped in witch hazel with pink Himalayan Salt for purification and cleansing and amplifying love to your aura and space, we have added, white sage, palo santo, lavender, lemon and frankincense pure essential oils for purification and protection.
Infused with Reiki, our high vibrational sacred clearing and protection mist will restore balance and purify negative emotional, mental and subtle energies, creating a sacred and harmonious space. It’s a must have for all your clearing rituals. Spray around your aura and space to cleanse energy and form a natural protection shield.
Certified Organic Chakra Floral Smudge Stick
Hand crafted with love and complete respect for nature in USA. The purity of the ingredients shines through in this product, the scent of the white sage is absolutely divine. 100% Certified Organic White Sage Smudge Sticks grown using sustainable farming practices in California. Their scent is even more intense than standard white sage and their colour can be more varied as a result of being a completely natural product.
Our floral beauties are made from certified organic mini white sage smudge sticks and include rainbow coloured rose petals and purple sea lavender (statice) flowers. Rose Petals are used to enhance female intuition, enhance self love and settle relationships, enhance your self consciousness, create new friendships, Brings luck, protection and happiness. Roses also have a multitude of medicinal properties such as aiding inflammation and regulating menstrual cycles as well as being anti-bacterial, anti-viral and helping with depression.
Our beautiful ethically sourced products which are natural, cruelty-free, vegan, non-toxic, sustainable, hand-made with love and infused with Reiki.
Space Clearing Bundle
Shake bottle and spray your aura or space to cleanse and refresh energy. Pause, allowing mist to balance, clear and align your auric field and raise your vibration or space to a higher frequency. The use of essential oils should be in consultation with a healthcare professional if pregnant or breastfeeding.
Set an intention before use or say a prayer, then light the end of the smudge stick and gently blow out any flame and allow it to smoulder only.
When smudging yourself begin at the heart centre wafting the smoke up towards the throat then up and over the head and then down and around the body ending at the feet.
When smudging a room, walk clockwise around the perimeter smoking from the ground upwards. As you cleanse your room, recite the following “From corner to corner this room is cleansed of any and all energies that are no longer for my highest good. This space is now filled with love, peace, joy, healing, and abundance. My space is protected and may all those who enter this space be blessed, myself included. Thank you. It is done." Use your intuition whilst smudging and noticing if there are any areas that are needing extra attention or a longer period of saging for clearing. Once your smudging session is complete, extinguish the smoking end by placing into dry rice or sand. It will then be ready to use next time.