Since 2020 has felt like three years packed into one, it is important that we complete this year in an empowered way so that we can fully integrate all the lessons and learnings this year has brought. Tomorrow, the biggest transformation of 2021 occurs with Summer Solstice.
The Solstice is a highly sensitive day where we can feel more in tune with the energies around us. It is the Celebration of Light in the Southern Hemisphere. At this time we are guided to think about what fuels our Spirit and recharges our Soul. As the Sun shines bright on the longest day, be sure to spend time outside in nature. Feel the warmth of the Sun lighting your being and know that just like all of nature, the Sun’s rays can transform you, nourish you, and help inspire creation.
Give this year the proper send-off it deserves and leave behind anything that doesn’t serve you spiritually or emotionally to go into 2021. Focus on gratitude, releasing negativity, and creating your vision for the new year. Get ready to feel aligned and renewed!
This is a ritual I do every December that helps me transition into a new year with as much positivity and peace as possible. Use this ritual to clarify what you desire, create an inspiring vision, align your energy with who you want to become and begin laying foundations now for what you desire to create for yourself, for others, for the planet and The Universe for the new year.
For your ritual, go outside and sit somewhere comfortable on Mother Earth.
Take a journal and a pen with you.
As you sit, give gratitude to Mother Earth for all her support, grounding and security and all that she provides. Become present, pause and observe all you see around you.
Once you have allowed this presence to enter, take your pen and paper and begin drawing or writing. Allow your own creative juices to flow without limiting yourself.
Then, close your eyes, place your hand on your heart and set an intention/s for yourself, for others, for the planet and The Universe.
Close your eyes and visualise and feel each one of your desires in your body and soul as if already received. You are worthy and abundant of all you desire for yourself, for others, for the planet and Universe.
Complete the process by surrounding your heart with soft gold light full of gratitude.
The celebration of the light of Solstice is a time to dream big without limitations, allow your true self to shine and LIVE YOUR LIFE OF ABUNDANCE.
Celebrate Your Light