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Distant Reiki Healings, how the energy flows!

As a Reiki Healer it is an absolute honour to provide Reiki healing sessions. For each client, we are a channel for Universal Light Force Energy to flow through us for our clients best and highest healing. Each session is so powerful and awakening for the client and myself. Reiki is multidimensional and goes far and wide, as we are, so can certainly be felt, perfect for Distant Healings in the current self isolation environment.

As a Healer I will always be in awe of the process and the transformation that is occurring right in front of me, as was the case in my latest Reiki Master Distant Healer Training. Lying on my healing bed, light music playing, camera on, my Reiki Master partner on Zoom, transmitted her magic through time and space and my desktop.

I felt her working immediately—my hands and feet were tingly the entire time, images and guidance arose both abstract and concrete, and the heaviness around my eyes completely shifted. I could even feel which chakra and parts of my body she was channelling energy to. We both even recognised the same positive masculine presence at one point.

After the session, we compared experiences and notes. Point for point, her description of our session aligned almost exactly with mine.

A distant reiki healing is so informative and moderately intense; ideal for if you are looking to unblock, to feel inspired and rejuvenated, to better listen to your body and to understand what is going on energetically.

For Distant Reiki Healings, this is how your healing session flows:

  • Connecting into Reiki Energy it has height, width and depth. Reiki and ThetaHealing connect into distance, time and space. This is Universal Light force energy (Unconditional Love from Source).

  • Day prior to your healing, we discuss setting your intention, i.e. What you would most like us to work on? What would you like to release? What would you like to bring in its place?

  • You will receive a personalised audio meditation to begin each session, just like I am with you in the room.

  • You will be in your own home, laying comfortably and I will be in my therapy room channelling your healing.

  • I will connect you in, cleanse your energy, place crystals upon you and you will receive a full Reiki Healing.

  • I will receive messages/guidance from your body, chakras, heart, soul, Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine and write these down for you.

  • After your Healing I will phone/email you to provide you with all your messages, guidance and affirmations received for what your body was most needing and your transformation.

  • Your Distant Reiki Healing is a very powerful session and will take a few days to fully integrate.

What are you needing the most at this time?

Calm, trust, self-love, self-worth and confidence, direction, chakra alignment, inner wisdom, creating healthy boundaries, releasing anxiety, depression or old trauma, fears and worry, empowerment, purpose.

Whatever your intention, I am here to support you and the collective as we all go through this major planetary shift.

All Healings are available via Distance Healing. Distant Reiki Healing is flexible to work in with your hours of working from home and home schooling, evenings and Saturdays available.

Abundance of Reiki love and virtual hugs.

Deanne x

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