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rituals to unlock the healing potential of your crystals

Crystals are loved for their soothing effect and healing powers. There are many different crystals, all with unique benefits. Whether you've long owned crystals or are hoping to buy some new ones, this will inspire new ways to connect with their energetic healing powers.

The ways in which you interact with your crystals and experience their benefits is very personal. You might prefer to meditate with rose quartz, keep green aventurine on an altar and sleep with selenite under your pillow. You might find that you prefer one method for a crystal, such as including it on an altar and then find that you want to change it up by keeping it in your pocket. As with most elements of crystal work, let your intuition guide you.

Creating rituals with crystals can make the effects even more powerful. Ritualising also increases mindfulness and is a wonderful self-love practice that promotes overall wellness. Here are six rituals to work with your crystals:

1. Altar

Creating an altar gives your intentions and desires a physical form. It also gives your crystals a sacred space to work in. First, designate a space for your altar; shelf or tabletop, side table. Smudge the area, so that the smoke cleanses the energy of the space. Set your intention, pick the crystals and other sacred items that align with your altar's purpose and arrange them intuitively. Create a new altar when your intention has manifested or when you feel called to hold space for something different.

2. Bath

Infusing bathwater with crystal energy by dropping water-safe stones into a bath is a gentle way to immerse yourself in their colours and vibrations. First, prepare the space where you'll be bathing. Light candles or incense, few drops essential oils into the bath along with Epsom or Magnesium Salts. Draw your bathwater and add a few crystals aligned with your intentions. Before getting in, draw a few deep, cleansing breaths, close your eyes and meditate on your intention. Get in and let the energised bathwater envelop your body.

3. Grid

Make a crystal grid arranging stones to harness the power of sacred geometry. Not only is this a meditative practice, but it can also increase the effectiveness of your crystal work on an intention. Grids can be as simple or as intricate as you like. First, designate a space for your grid and clear the energy by smudging. Set your intention, then choose the crystals that will support it. Decide which sacred geometry grid calls to you (find different patterns online that you can either print out or draw), and place your crystals in the pattern, starting from the outside and working your way in, keeping your intention in mind. Lastly, place the final "master" crystal in the centre of your grid. Take a few grounding breaths and visualise your grid's intention.

Holding a stone while meditating can enhance your practice, opening your consciousness and strengthening your connection to the earth. Choose the stone you want to work with (fluorite, celestite, and smoky quartz are good options). Find a quiet place to sit. Holding the crystal, you wish to work with, take a few deep, cleansing breaths; close your eyes and quiet your mind and imagine its energy permeating your body and soothing your mind. Focus on your breath as you hold space in this energy.

5. Physical contact

Placing stones directly on your body, especially over chakras, can help clear energy blocks and guide specific benefits to the areas that need the most healing. First decide which chakra you want to work on and pick a crystal that supports it. Lie on your back, take a few cleansing breaths and go within. Take the crystal and place it on the chakra you want to cleanse, open, or heal, for example, amazonite on your heart or Citrine on your solar plexus. Visualize its energy radiating into your body. Continue for several minutes or until you feel called to stop. Take a deep, cleansing breath and express gratitude, either internally or out loud, for the work that was done.

6. Sleep

Keeping crystals on your nightstand, or under your pillow, is an easy way to benefit from their energies while you sleep. Calming stones like dumortierite are best for this practice. Just before you get into bed, dim your lights, hold your chosen crystal and take a deep cleansing breath. Visualise the crystal's energy and the deep sleep you know it will give you. Place the stone in your pillowcase or under your pillow and then drift easily to sleep.

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